Smith, T


About Me

Welcome to Mrs. Smith's  Biology Class

DEGREE: BA-Biological Science
MS-Human Resource Management/Instructional Technology
CERTS: 7-12 Life Sciences

Mrs. Tysion Smith
Biology Teacher
Phone: 713-378-3400 X5243
Email Mrs. Tysion Smith

Class Information and Reminders


Hello Biology and Enviro-Bio Students,

I want to make you aware that your teachers at Channelview High School are diligently working on ways to keep you educated.  We are preparing online learning modules for you to complete on a weekly basis and turn them in.  For those of you who do not have access to the internet, WiFi, or Hotspots, you will be asked to go the school to pick up "paper copies" of these assignments.  It is of the utmost importance that you do your best on these assignments and make sure you turn assignments in as your grades for the 4th 9-weeks grades will come from these assignments. 

Remember I am just a E-mail away if you need any assistance or you can sign up to my remind at: Send:  @724k4f9  to  81010.  Lets keep in contact.

Stay positive and wash your hands!

Ms. Smith :)