Henry, G


About Me

I believe having shared a "love of learning" with students of differing ability and skills levels, I believe strongly that all children deserve to learn something "new" every day.  They come to us with high expectations and all the confidence in the world.  We must nurture that self-esteem using humor and a high set of standards through a challenging curriculum.
The diversity of students through the years has enriched my teaching endeavors.  It has included a variety of ethnic, cultural, socio-economic and gender differences which has contributed to more excitement in each day's activities. Mutual respect, high expectations, meeting with parents and an environment which challenges, yet is comfortable and fair for each one, enables students to advance at a pace commensurate with their ability. They grow as independent learners and may begin to accept responsibility for their own learning and possible career choice in the future.  The learning process is never-ending and society benefits when, as teachers, we can foster and help each student develop to his or her full potential.

Gerrick Henry
SLC Teacher - Autism
Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach
Phone:281 452-1450
Email Gerrick Henry