Keyerra Thompson


About Me

I am Keyerra Thompson and I am an Algebra teacher here at Alice Johnson Junior High. This is my sixth year as an educator but my second here, at AJJH. I am super excited about this school year and I am thrilled to have you in my class. I can not wait to see what great things we will accomplish this school year.

Through this website you will gain access and insight into some of the great things that are happening in our classroom!

Fun Facts:

  1. I graduated from C.E King High School in 2014.

  2. I graduated from the University of Houston in 2018.

  3. I am certified to teach 4-8 mathematics.

  4. I love to dance!

  5. I love kittens!

  6. I have a one year old son!

  7. I love my family and friends!

  8. Most importantly.... I LOVE being your teacher!

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact me!
Email Keyerra Thompson
Phone: 2814528030 ext. 2260
Dont forget to connect with us!
Twitter: @ThompsonMath_

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