Franklin Alexander

Franklin Alexander

About Me

Hello my name is Franklin Alexander. I am a native of east Texas with a master’s and bachelor’s degrees in anthropology, with a specialization in historical archaeology. This will be my 6th year at Anthony Aguirre Junior High and at the Channelview district. This year I will be teaching Design and Modeling and Medical Detectives at Anthony Aguirre Junior High. Throughout the school year I will guide my students on their exploration of both engineering and medical fields through the use of technology and a variety of AVID activities. I look forward to working with everyone this upcoming school year.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding my class, please do not hesitate to call or email me.

Franklin Alexander
Email Franklin Alexander
Phone #: 281-860-3300
Room #: 647

Degrees and Certifications:

University of Houston MA, Anthropology

University of North Texas BA, Anthropology/History

Conference: Monday and Wednesday (5th Period) 12:51 - 2:21 pm  (By appointment only)

Tutorial Time: Wednesday's 8:00 - 8:25 am

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